News & Articles
Companies and organisations may find themselves liable for historic environmental infringements when they buy a business. The legal standing in such situations is discussed in a recent article in Director of Finance Online. For example, if land bought after it was contaminated causes pollution of the underlying groundwater, the current owner may be liable. To combat this problem buyers are increasingly asking for warranties and indemnities before purchasing.
A review of current research and potential environmental and health implications of nano-remediation is provided in a recent article in Environmental Health Perspectives. A common use of the technology is the injection of nano-scale iron into the ground to provide a reducing environment for the breakdown of contaminants. The review points out that although nano-technology may provide an effective and economic remediation option, the risks are not fully understood.
For the full new article please visit
The Environment Research Funders Forum (ERFF) has launched a new online database of environmental research projects. The database provides downloadable information on nearly 20,000 projects financed using public funds from ERFF member organisations such as the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).
To search the database visit
Or for more information about ERFF visit
All new groundwater abstraction licences, issued under the Water Act 2003, are time limited so that the Environment Agency may review abstracted volumes and licence conditions when they come up for renewal. However old licences issued before the Water Act 2003 came into force are not subject to this control and in all only 20% of licences are time limited.
Defra and the WAG consider the time limiting of licences to be crucial to reduce the impacts of climate change and to meet the aims of the Government’s 2008 water strategy ‘Future Water’. The consultation runs for 12 weeks, the results of which will feed into the Floods and Water Management Bill.
To view the consultation visit
The draft Flood and Water Management Bill has been published in response to Sir Michael Pitt’s review of the Summer 2007 floods, with emergency flood response and protection of water supplies core to it’s aims. The draft Bill will clarify responsibilities for flooding, including roles for groundwater flood mapping and groundwater flood warnings. The draft Bill also aims to encourage the take up of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) and to give water companies more powers to conserve water during droughts.
To view the draft Flood and Water Management Bill consultation documents visit
Consultation closes on the 24 July 2009.
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