Dear Sir/Madam,
Groundwater’s role in reducing our carbon footprint
Thank you for making a reservation for the UK Groundwater Forum’s Conference on 26 May 2010. The booking will only be confirmed once full payment is received. If you have not already done so, payment for the conference can be made by credit/debit card, cheque or invoice and must be paid by 14 May 2010.
(i) To pay by Credit/debit Card
Please complete our payment form and return it to: UK Groundwater Forum, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG or fax to 0115 9363200.
(ii) To pay by Cheque
Please complete our payment form and send along with a cheque made payable to NERC to UK Groundwater Forum, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG.
(iii) Invoice payment
Invoices can only be issued for £100 or more i.e. only if 2 or more delegates from one organisation register at the same time. To arrange for an invoice to be raised please call the UK Groundwater Forum Secretariat on 0115 936 3574.
Our cancellation policy: A refund, minus £10 admin fee, will be given if your reservation is cancelled by 14 May 2010. A refund will not be given after 14 May 2010. Registration may be transferred to a colleague up to the day of the meeting.
The UK Groundwater Forum is administered through the Natural Environment Research Council (British Geological Survey). The payment will appear on your credit card as NERC. The BGS VAT Registration No. is GB618367325
View the full conference programme on our web site.
Kind Regards,
UK Groundwater Forum
UK Groundwater Forum Secretariat
British Geological Survey
Maclean Building
Wallingford, Oxon
United Kingdom
OX10 8BB
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