UK Groundwater Forum e-news May 2011
This is the latest e-newsletter from the UK Groundwater Forum. To find out more about the aims and activities of the Forum, please visit our web site. If you received our e-mail from a colleague and would like to be added to the circulation list, please register on the web site.
- New online groundwater issues portal
UK thermal and mineral springs web-article
Annual conference 2011
Meetings and events
Please also have a look at our Groundwater News and Meetings & Events pages to find out what’s going on in groundwater.
New online groundwater issues portal
There is a lot of useful information about groundwater available on the web sites of other organisations but it isn’t always easy to find. We have done our best to collate some of these links in a newly expanded groundwater issues portal so you can get to the information you need more easily. Our new portal has three main sections:
UK thermal and mineral springs web-article

The Royal Pump Room in Harrogate
© Harrogate Borough Council (2010)
There are many small thermal (hot) and mineral springs in the UK. Bathing in these waters was popular amongst fashionable society in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as it was considered beneficial to health. The practice continued into the nineteenth century but declined after that in the UK. Ric Horobin of Zenith International has produced an article for our web site which explains the hydrogeological setting of such springs which are found in the spa towns of Bath, Buxton and Harrogate.
View the full article.
Please contact us if you would like to produce an article for our web site.
Annual conference 2011 – Contaminated ground, contaminated groundwater
The UK Groundwater Forum’s 2011 conference is being held jointly with the Hydrogeological Group of the Geological Society and will consider the on-going and future challenges for groundwater management, protection and remediation resulting from land contamination.
The UK continues to have a significant legacy of land contamination caused by a wide-range of polluting activities occurring over the last 200 years or more. This contamination poses a significant threat to groundwater as well as the wider environment and human health.

Considerable effort has been made since the mid-1990s to tackle the contaminated land legacy particularly since the introduction of legislative measures under the Environmental Protection Act (Part IIA). As a result, tens of thousands of hectares of land have been cleaned up. This has been possible through the technological developments that have taken place both in terms of characterizing the nature of the contamination and its linkage with the environment (conceptual models, investigation and risk assessment) and also through the development of approaches and techniques for remediation and risk management. A recent review of the Part IIA legislation has found that, whilst the legislation has been effective, there is need to update the supporting guidance.
View the full conference programme.

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